400,000 buku teks BI ditarik balik
KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Pelajaran akan menarik balik hampir 400,000 buku teks Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) English Year 1 Sekolah Kebangsaan kerana mengandungi pelbagai kesalahan dan menggantikan dengan buku teks cetakan baru, Mac depan.
Berikutan itu, kerajaan dipercayai menanggung kerugian jutaan ringgit berdasarkan harga buku teks itu RM8.20 sebuah, namun tiada tindakan akan diambil terhadap mana-mana pihak kerana perkara itu disifatkan sebagai kesilapan manusia.
Berikutan itu, kerajaan dipercayai menanggung kerugian jutaan ringgit berdasarkan harga buku teks itu RM8.20 sebuah, namun tiada tindakan akan diambil terhadap mana-mana pihak kerana perkara itu disifatkan sebagai kesilapan manusia.
Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Datuk Abd Ghafar Mahmud, berkata sementara menunggu buku teks cetakan baru siap, guru dinasihatkan terus menggunakan buku teks berkenaan.
“Kementerian Pelajaran kesal kesalahan dalam buku teks itu dan sudah menubuhkan sebuah jawatankuasa penyemakan semula bagi melakukan pembetulan. Buku teks itu akan digantikan dengan buku teks cetakan baru mulai Mac depan,” katanya.
Berita Harian 5 Januari lalu melaporkan Kementerian Pelajaran mengarahkan Bahagian Buku Teks (BBT) meneliti dakwaan buku teks itu dicemari banyak kesalahan tatabahasa, kosa kata dan struktur ayat, sekali gus segera mengambil tindakan susulan.
Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong, dipetik berkata, sebarang keputusan mengenai perkara berkenaan akan dibuat dalam tempoh terdekat bagi memastikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran murid lancar.
Sebelum itu, akhbar New Straits Times dalam ruangan surat pembaca menyiarkan dakwaan seorang pembaca buku teks Bahasa Inggeris Tahun Satu 2011 mengandungi banyak kesalahan tatabahasa, kosa kata dan struktur ayat.
Pembaca menggunakan nama ‘Sandra Rajoo’ dari Ipoh, Perak, itu memperincikan contoh kesalahan berserta muka suratnya, selain mempersoalkan bagaimana kesilapan berkenaan gagal dikesan tiga penulis dan empat editor yang terbabit dalam penghasilan buku teks itu.
Sementara itu, Ketua Pengarah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz, berkata kira-kira 396,000 buku teks KSSR English Year 1 Sekolah Kebangsaan akan dicetak bermula minggu pertama Februari.
Apabila buku teks cetakan baru itu sudah diedarkan ke semua sekolah kebangsaan, katanya, buku teks sedia ada yang mengandungi kesalahan akan ditarik balik dan dilupuskan.
Ditanya mengenai punca kesalahan dalam buku teks itu, beliau menyifatkannya sebagai kesilapan manusia yang terlepas pandang kerana ia tetap berlaku walaupun sudah disaring panel penilai DBP dan Kementerian Pelajaran.
Justeru, tiada tindakan akan diambil terhadap penulis dan editor buku teks itu kerana kesalahan berkenaan tidak dapat diletakkan sepenuhnya kepada mana-mana pihak.
“Bagaimanapun, perkara ini tidak menjejaskan integriti DBP atau Kementerian Pelajaran kerana kebanyakan kesalahan terbabit adalah kesilapan kecil, terutama pada nota kaki dan hanya sedikit pada teks,” katanya.
Seorang pembaca akhbar New Straits Times menulis tentang ketidakpuasan hatinya terhadap kualiti buku teks itu. Dalam komennya, ‘Sandra Rajoo' dari Ipoh, Perak mempertikaikan kesilapan tatabahasa, kosa kata dan stuktur ayat yang gagal dikesan oleh tiga orang penulis dan empat orang editor yang terlibat.
Semalam, media melaporkan 396,000 buah buku teks Bahasa Inggeris yang terlibat terpaksa ditarik balik dari sekolah dan akan digantikan dengan buku teks yang baru selewat-lewatnya Mac ini. Dilaporkan juga bahawa setiap satu buku teks tersebut bernilai RM8.20 menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan kerugian adalah RM3.24 juta.
Berikut adalah salinan komen saudara Sandra Rajoo, seperti yang disiarkan di akhbar New Straits Times:
I LOOKED at the 2011 Year 1 English textbook and to say I am shocked by the contents is an understatement.
The book is riddled with errors in grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure, more than what I have seen in previous textbooks.
Obviously, it is a poor, half-hearted attempt at writing a textbook by people who do not know the language well.
These are some of the errors (in italics) I noticed:
- He closed his eyes and fell aslept. (p28)
- Is it a pin in the tin? (p29)
- Vary the song with other actions. (p 33)
- Pat saw the map. (p41) (The correct expression should be "looked at")
- Pupils take turn... (p45)
- What do you like to have as a birthday gift? (p54)
- Pupils name the picture and segment it. (p55) (How do you segment a picture? It should be "segment the word")
- Our flag has four colours. There are blue, red, yellow and white. (p 59)
- Tom picks the mug. (p61) (It should be "picks up")
- Paste in it the book. (p62)
- After the word is formed, pupils blend to read the words. (p65) (What are the pupils blending here?)
- Pull out the two triangles apart. (p70)
- Fold both bottoms up on each side. (p70)
- Eat less sweet. (p82)
- Stress on the phonemes... (p91) ("on" should be omitted)
- Repeat the process alternately. (p95)
There are also errors in structure and logic. On page 52, in the rhyme on days of the week, Monday and Saturday have been inadvertently left out.
Expressions like "chalks, coloured pencils" (p73) should be written as "pieces of chalk" and "colour pencils". On page 112, "horse saddle" is stated as a form of transportation. Why is "saddle" used in this phrase?
The title "So Hairy and Scary" (p121) for a topic on animals that include giraffes and crocodiles is inappropriate. Another title, awkwardly written as "One word to many" (p132), could have been better worded. And throughout the book, pupils are asked to "chant" a poem or rhyme. In this context, the word "chant" is incorrect.
I lost count of the number of errors; there are just too many. Ideas and sentences are poorly linked and many of the rhymes and poems border on the ridiculous.
Writers should be cautious when writing poems. Just because we have "poetic licence does not mean we do away with sense and logic.
I noticed that there were three writers and four editors for the book. I cannot understand how not even one of them noticed the errors.
The book is published by Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, but I am wondering whether the Curriculum Development Centre (Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum) and Textbook Division (Bahagian Buku Teks) vetted the book before publication.
Don't all divisions in the Education Ministry work together on such matters? Why have the concerns raised by the public about the English language fallen on deaf ears?
With so many blunders, I foresee a bleak future for our education system. This is certainly not the way forward.
Teachers who are proficient would have a good laugh over the textbook content and resort to other resources when teaching English. Those who are oblivious to the mistakes will be teaching inaccurate language.
Sadly, young learners are the victims and will start off the new year learning broken English.
As far as English is concerned, we're off to bad start.
Berita Harian 5 Januari lalu melaporkan Kementerian Pelajaran mengarahkan Bahagian Buku Teks (BBT) meneliti dakwaan buku teks itu dicemari banyak kesalahan tatabahasa, kosa kata dan struktur ayat, sekali gus segera mengambil tindakan susulan.
Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong, dipetik berkata, sebarang keputusan mengenai perkara berkenaan akan dibuat dalam tempoh terdekat bagi memastikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran murid lancar.
Sebelum itu, akhbar New Straits Times dalam ruangan surat pembaca menyiarkan dakwaan seorang pembaca buku teks Bahasa Inggeris Tahun Satu 2011 mengandungi banyak kesalahan tatabahasa, kosa kata dan struktur ayat.
Pembaca menggunakan nama ‘Sandra Rajoo’ dari Ipoh, Perak, itu memperincikan contoh kesalahan berserta muka suratnya, selain mempersoalkan bagaimana kesilapan berkenaan gagal dikesan tiga penulis dan empat editor yang terbabit dalam penghasilan buku teks itu.
Sementara itu, Ketua Pengarah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz, berkata kira-kira 396,000 buku teks KSSR English Year 1 Sekolah Kebangsaan akan dicetak bermula minggu pertama Februari.
Apabila buku teks cetakan baru itu sudah diedarkan ke semua sekolah kebangsaan, katanya, buku teks sedia ada yang mengandungi kesalahan akan ditarik balik dan dilupuskan.
Ditanya mengenai punca kesalahan dalam buku teks itu, beliau menyifatkannya sebagai kesilapan manusia yang terlepas pandang kerana ia tetap berlaku walaupun sudah disaring panel penilai DBP dan Kementerian Pelajaran.
Justeru, tiada tindakan akan diambil terhadap penulis dan editor buku teks itu kerana kesalahan berkenaan tidak dapat diletakkan sepenuhnya kepada mana-mana pihak.
“Bagaimanapun, perkara ini tidak menjejaskan integriti DBP atau Kementerian Pelajaran kerana kebanyakan kesalahan terbabit adalah kesilapan kecil, terutama pada nota kaki dan hanya sedikit pada teks,” katanya.
Seorang pembaca akhbar New Straits Times menulis tentang ketidakpuasan hatinya terhadap kualiti buku teks itu. Dalam komennya, ‘Sandra Rajoo' dari Ipoh, Perak mempertikaikan kesilapan tatabahasa, kosa kata dan stuktur ayat yang gagal dikesan oleh tiga orang penulis dan empat orang editor yang terlibat.
Semalam, media melaporkan 396,000 buah buku teks Bahasa Inggeris yang terlibat terpaksa ditarik balik dari sekolah dan akan digantikan dengan buku teks yang baru selewat-lewatnya Mac ini. Dilaporkan juga bahawa setiap satu buku teks tersebut bernilai RM8.20 menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan kerugian adalah RM3.24 juta.
Berikut adalah salinan komen saudara Sandra Rajoo, seperti yang disiarkan di akhbar New Straits Times:
I LOOKED at the 2011 Year 1 English textbook and to say I am shocked by the contents is an understatement.
The book is riddled with errors in grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure, more than what I have seen in previous textbooks.
Obviously, it is a poor, half-hearted attempt at writing a textbook by people who do not know the language well.
These are some of the errors (in italics) I noticed:
- He closed his eyes and fell aslept. (p28)
- Is it a pin in the tin? (p29)
- Vary the song with other actions. (p 33)
- Pat saw the map. (p41) (The correct expression should be "looked at")
- Pupils take turn... (p45)
- What do you like to have as a birthday gift? (p54)
- Pupils name the picture and segment it. (p55) (How do you segment a picture? It should be "segment the word")
- Our flag has four colours. There are blue, red, yellow and white. (p 59)
- Tom picks the mug. (p61) (It should be "picks up")
- Paste in it the book. (p62)
- After the word is formed, pupils blend to read the words. (p65) (What are the pupils blending here?)
- Pull out the two triangles apart. (p70)
- Fold both bottoms up on each side. (p70)
- Eat less sweet. (p82)
- Stress on the phonemes... (p91) ("on" should be omitted)
- Repeat the process alternately. (p95)
There are also errors in structure and logic. On page 52, in the rhyme on days of the week, Monday and Saturday have been inadvertently left out.
Expressions like "chalks, coloured pencils" (p73) should be written as "pieces of chalk" and "colour pencils". On page 112, "horse saddle" is stated as a form of transportation. Why is "saddle" used in this phrase?
The title "So Hairy and Scary" (p121) for a topic on animals that include giraffes and crocodiles is inappropriate. Another title, awkwardly written as "One word to many" (p132), could have been better worded. And throughout the book, pupils are asked to "chant" a poem or rhyme. In this context, the word "chant" is incorrect.
I lost count of the number of errors; there are just too many. Ideas and sentences are poorly linked and many of the rhymes and poems border on the ridiculous.
Writers should be cautious when writing poems. Just because we have "poetic licence does not mean we do away with sense and logic.
I noticed that there were three writers and four editors for the book. I cannot understand how not even one of them noticed the errors.
The book is published by Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, but I am wondering whether the Curriculum Development Centre (Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum) and Textbook Division (Bahagian Buku Teks) vetted the book before publication.
Don't all divisions in the Education Ministry work together on such matters? Why have the concerns raised by the public about the English language fallen on deaf ears?
With so many blunders, I foresee a bleak future for our education system. This is certainly not the way forward.
Teachers who are proficient would have a good laugh over the textbook content and resort to other resources when teaching English. Those who are oblivious to the mistakes will be teaching inaccurate language.
Sadly, young learners are the victims and will start off the new year learning broken English.
As far as English is concerned, we're off to bad start.
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