
Sahabat Maya :

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sekalung Tahniah UPSR 2010 SKTM1.


tidak datang dari kemampuan fizikal,


ianya datang dari semangat

yang tidak pernah mengalah."

KOTA BHARU: Some of the students at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Ismail 4 who scored 5A in the UPSR showing the RM100 each received from their school for their good results. Pix by Syamsi Suhaimi.
KOTA BHARU: Some of the students at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Ismail 4 who scored 5A in the UPSR showing the RM100 each received from their school for their good results.

PUTRAJAYA: A total of 48,327 or 10.02 per cent of 482,334 Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) candidates this year obtained all As.

The percentage is higher than the 9.51 per cent recorded last year.

Education Director-General Datuk Abdul Ghafar Mahmud said this was the best achievement in four years based on the national average grade, the index used in measuring the achievement of school examination candidates nationwide.

However, the number of candidates obtaining the minimum Grade C decreased by 1.37 per cent from last year, he added.

"Thankfully, the percentage of candidates obtaining lower than the minimum grade (those obtaining Grade D or E or a combination of both), also decreases from 3.99 per cent last year to 3.39 per cent this year," he said when announcing the UPSR results here today.

Abdul Ghafar said Grade A achievements of national and national-type primary schools in Mathematics showed an increase of 1.9 per cent from last year while for Science, the increase was 1.7 per cent.

He said national schools scored a better percentage of those obtaining Grade A in Malay Language (Comprehension) this year, which was 4.5 per cent, while in Writing Skills, the percentage showed a decline, by 8.9 per cent, from last year.

For national-type schools, there was a decrease in the percentage of both the Malay Language examinations, by 2.9 and 3.4 respectively.

He said the analysis for the Malay and English language results was done separately for the national and national-type schools because of the differences in the scope as well as the time allocated for the teaching of the subject.

For the English language subject, he said, there was an increase in the average grade in the national and national-type schools -- at 2.74 per cent (2.79 last year) and 2.69 per cent (2.80 per cent last year) respectively.


Tahniah buat murid-murid SKTM1

kerana kecemerlangan dalam UPSR 2010

dengan pencapaian 36 orang straight A.

(SK Tunku Mahmood 1 5A - 36 pelajar

manakala 31 pelajar pada tahun 2009).

Untuk murid-murid

yang kurang berjaya,

ini bukan satu noktah .

Lebih banyak lagi

peluang di hadapan

yang masih

menunggu anda.


Jangan berhenti



berdoalah kepada

Allah SWT.

Semakin kita


semakin diingatNya


Semakin kita


semakin jauhNya

daripada kita

Teruskan membaca..


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